How to Create your Own Operating System - Linux in Simple Steps

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 31 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Linux the powerful operating system is used every where in the technology and Linux operating system is ruling the tech world. Linux operating system are giving tough competition to the Windows Operating systems and the MAC Operating system. The reason that make Linux to stand first is its features. As Linux is open source, any one can build and modify the existing powerful Linux operating systems and share with any one for free.
How would that be if you too can build a powerful open source Linux operating system which meets all your needs. It sounds awesome right? But building a Linux operating is not that easy without knowing the coding and proper plan. Don't worry you can also build the open source Linux operating system without knowing any coding! with the help of SuseStudio. 
Here in this post we are explaining How can you Create your Own Linux OS in Step by Step Process
  • First open create an account with
  • You can create account on susestudio with Facebook,twitter,Google account and with other social media accounts too.
  • Once your account is created then open the Home tab. Where you need to select properties of the base template for your new Linux operating system. The base template determines the operating system your appliance is based on. And you can also select the architecture of your operating system 32 bit or 64 bit from here.
  • If you are a beginner select the Gnome desktop as shown in below image and if you know the articuture of your computer then you can select 32 bit or 64 bit. If you don't know about the articulate of your computer then you can leave it to the default value 32 bit.
  • After completion of above steps you can step forward and add the required software to your new Linux operating system by clicking on the "Create Appliance" button.
  • Now you can select the software to be added to your Linux operating system.
  • If you select any software to be included in your operating system which doesn't have the supporting software then Suse Studio will show you a error message and will also show a remedy or supporting software to active the function of the software that you wished to install on your computer.
  • The software will be included from the official sources, so you need to worry about any virus or malwares on your operating system.
  • Next in the configuration tab Open General settings and upload the logo of your own operating system.
  • Next in Start-up tab you can add your license terms and conditions on your operating system. Note you can't restrict your users from the open source terms and conditions.
  • If you know what you doing then you can play with the other settings in the configuration and then click on build and then select the format of your operating system. By default you the USB/ Hard disk image is selected it is best format which can let you to make your Linux computer portable.
  • After selecting the build format you can click on BUILD button to start creating the format.
  • After completion of build you can test drive the operating system on online itself.without downloading the image copy.
If every thing goes correct you can download the your operating system and run on your computer.

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Arsenal back on top of the Premier league

Posted by Unknown Senin, 30 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Here ae the highlights from Sunday, the 29th
  • Olivier Giroud scored the only goal as Arsenal returned to the top of the Barclays Premier League with a 1-0 win over Newcastle United.
  • Arsenal holding on to stretch their unbeaten league run on Tyneside to seven matches.
  • Chelsea rose to third in the table after they came from behind to earn a vital three points with a 2-1 triumph over rivals Liverpool.
  • Liverpool dropped to fifth after back-to-back top-flight defeats and because of Everton's 2-1 defeat of Southampton.
  • Romelu Lukaku ended a five-game goal drought to help Everton return to winning ways at Goodison Park.
  • Defeat for Southampton was their fourth in eight matches and leaves them adrift from the top eight.
  • Roberto Soldado's fourth penalty of the season helped Tottenham Hotspur to a 3-0 win over Stoke City at White Hart Lane.The win moves Spurs up to seventh in the Barclays Premier League table, while Stoke are 12th.

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Hposh Diaries...... The year 2013

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Hposh Diaries.....

When I pinged my mentor yesterday to thank her for her support so far, she was embarrassed. I pinged my best female friend to thank her too, she was shocked. There was one person I did the same to who asked me what I wanted, I told him nothing. He too was amazed. It wasn't a Blackberry broadcast. So this made it kind of creepy.

I also appreciated some of my clients and my team members. It was the least anyone expected. Most of them didn't understand why I did that. It wasn't like I wanted something from them. But once in a while I do some soul search. I've been keeping it for too long but I just felt I should let it out. I love you all. You mean a lot to me. This year has been my best year ever. I don't know how I got here.

2013 started on a very rough note. I resumed school with little or no pocket money. It was so hard keeping my dreams alive. I had bills to pay, materials to buy, a team to lead, a vision to accomplish. 'How would this ever work out?'. I thought. We launched my online magazine in June 2012 and it's been challenging and interesting ever since.

Apart from my parents my friends became my caretakers. They provided accommodation for me, since I spent all my money on starting a brand. They gave me food to eat because I didn't have much to spend on that. They defended me, believed in me and till today still stand by me.

For over 4 months, I was without a smart phone. I couldn't work. My sponsor of life came to my rescue. He has invested so much in me. He's been my pillar of support no matter how challenging finances are for him when I make my requests.

My comedian uncle, his friends and family have always been behind me. My parents and my family too played their role efficiently and effectively.

The turning point came in June 2013 when I met her. She subscribed to our monthly PR plan which we handled to the best of our capabilities. You need to know what #5,000 meant to me. It covered something reasonable.

At last, I heaved a sigh of relief that I was a businessman adding value. For someone to pay us for a service, I felt so good. After the first semester exams, I wasn't planning to go home for our supposedly 2-weeks break.

Things got a new twist when she asked me to work with her. I was to stay with her for the 2 weeks but ASUU in all their majesty turned it to over 5 months. The last few months have been my best ever.

Having someone believe so much in you and not dictating what you should do for you. While I used her internet, car and other resources for free she still paid us for doing PR for her. She referred us to the best clients ever, introduced me into the business world, the challenges, the tactics and the networking.

You are awesome boss.

Did I mention her family? God bless them for me.

I've met so many people this year and they made this year count.

To all of you I say a big thank you.

When I finally get to my promise land, I'll write my autobiography and mention your names including the influences you've had on me.

Oh! How can I forget to mention my godmother of life. She's a newscaster at a popular TV station. I harass her everytime I'm broke. I am always...because I spend money on so many investments. I pray they yield rewarding dividends soon.

Then my guys are great.
To those who still think I'm joking. I still hold my dream of being the richest man in the world.

...Emotions, feelings, love, relationships. I've had a lot of them.

Shout out to anyone I've ever dated. I'm sorry I let you go. Despite not giving you so much attention, you still had faith in me.

To those who broke my've taught me that life is full of shxx...what matters is how we respond to it.

I love you all.

I owe you so much.

If not for anything but for you, I'll make my dreams come true.


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Memoirs of a Lagos City Hustler (LCH) - Part 8 #LCH

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
This is my chance to post all the backlogs from my hectic week before. Kennedy was on time with submitting this, it was me, all me. No vex abeg.

LCH 8........

Emeka and Nkiru were taking a romantic walk down the beach one cool night. Emeka grabs Nkiru's hands, draws her closer to him, kisses her & says, "Baby! You know I love you. There's no one here. Its just us. Let's do WEEWEECHU. Nkiru looks around and says, "My love, I don't want to do WEEWEECHU please". Let's just hold hands & cuddle."Emeka agrees. After a while, Emeka asks her again, "Oh baby! Please my love! Let's do WEEWEECHU!"Nkiru replies: "Baby, don't rush me. I don't want to do it. I just want to be wrapped in your arms" Emeka calms down.After a longer while, Emeka couldn't hold it any longer. He says, "My heartbeat, its not fair oh! Let's do WEEWEECHU nah! Since last year oh!" Nkiru reluctantly agrees! So Emeka immediately grabs her closer to him, hugs her tight, brings out the guitar strapped to his back & they both start singing: "WEEWEECHU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! WEEWEECHU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! WEEWEECHU A MERRY CHRISTMAS! AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!" See your dirty minds! What were you thinking WEEWEECHU was?

Okay, I got you there right?! Its the week of Christmas, decorations everywhere, 'Loooooooong' queues at checkouts in the mall, no where to park on Lagos island, busy shoppers bumping into each other in idumota, answani, trade fair etc, cocks have stopped crowing for fear of being killed for the season, crazy church end-of-the-year revival posters, LASTMA and FRSC having a field time on unsuspecting drivers (I had my fair share of this, by the way), Customs seizing anything and everything, 13th month bonuses, hampers(sade berra send mine too), children crying for Christmas clothes, friends booking a spot at your yearly family party and not to forget a Look back into 2013.

I did a survey on all SMEs on my contacts last week, out of 120 interviewed; 85% believed 2013 wasn't good for business, 55% blamed it on the government, some blamed it on the big malls springing up everywhere, some blamed it on companies training everybody on previously respected crafts (events planning, forex, ankara crafts, soap making etc) others blamed it on lack of funds, a few blamed it on the new start-ups like dealdey, jumia, OLX etc. But I noticed a trend about all those that complained, they have not been able to move with the world and adopt social media as a business tool.

In recent years, social media has become a huge and integral component of how people spend their time online. Between wikis, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, and many others, people are spending enormous amounts of time on websites used to share information and connect with people. Not surprisingly, people are easily connecting with others and sharing information (and complaints) more than ever before.

Many people get their news, gossip, and friendship updates via social network sites, sometimes even before breakfast from the convenience of their mobile phone or laptop.(OK,let's get geeky a bit) Social media can be defined as a website or internet service that allows users to interact with each other and create content instantaneously. Examples include Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, etc. These online media facilitate conversation as opposed to traditional media, which delivers content but doesn't allow readers/viewers/listeners to participate in the creation or development of the content. Social media allows people to share content such as life updates, pictures, videos, quotes, or anything the user creates or finds interesting and wants to share.

This has made companies adopt social media as a business tool to share product information, get feedback, receive and treat complaints and have a real-time review of their products. Let me quickly iterate two of the famous social media platforms you can adopt for your businesses and how to go about it


A typical Facebook page consists of the insights (number of likes, percentage likes per week, reach of post etc), contents (posts, pictures, links, etc) and the overall design. As an SME trying to cover more ground, it is only expected that you have a Facebook page and a standby IT team(your team could be yourself and a sibling or spouse) to constantly monitor and reply posts.

The number of page likes shows how popular the company or business is. This can be boosted by promotions on websites, social media PR companies and referrals/promo from known fans, post boost, Facebook adverts. One could also pay PR companies to get likes (it is an average of 10,000 naira for every 1000 Facebook likes they fetch you).

It is one thing to have a popular Facebook page, it is another to keep it popular, that is where unique content creation, quizzes, quotes etc comes handy.(If you need help opening a facebook page, promoting and/or maintaining it, you should be talking to me...just call me 08059848080)


Twitter is a micro blogging site that allows sharing of information, pictures, videos etc in very few concise words. Online shopping sites and multinationals use it for adverts, product review and promotion as well as complaint reviews. A simple problem can soon turn to a trend on social media and bring down any government, company or individual (look what happened to Justine Sacco!)

Twitter pages unlike Facebook, involve followers rather than likes which creates the illusion of a more interactive platform and the need to satisfy your followers and listen to them. Trends and promotions are easier to start on twitter and PR companies can as well help promote the brand and fetch one followers and/or audience.

Okay I think I spilled too much on social media, I'm yet to receive hampers(hehehehehe....izz true na) from my dear readers, either ways I'm glad you all enjoy reading from us. In case you need any help with social media integration with your business, do not hesitate to give us a call....2013 is going out slowly, get ready for a prosperous new year!

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With a New Year, New ADHD Strategies for Teachers

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The first article in a series of three (for teachers, parents and adults)

A new year is fast approaching and with it will come the making of resolutions for personal improvement for millions of persons. For some this will mean losing the pounds gained from all the recent holiday goodies. For others, the resolutions will affect less visible needs for change. Resolutions made to improve personal habits, goals, relationships and more may take precedence for many individuals as we begin 2014.

For children and adults challenged with ADHD, making age-appropriate resolutions for the new year are very important and can produce significant improvements in daily life---for personal habits, goals, relationships AND health. However, what new and effective ADHD strategies could result in such positive developments for these children and adults in the coming new year? We believe that a little planning and resolution writing NOW will make your New Year 2014 much more productive AND successful, especially if you, your students or others you care about have ADHD.

We're here for you all year long to help with tips, strategies and resources for challenged readers. Many with ADHD frequently visit our blog for this information. Today, we are providing in this article some new tips and strategies (with a few resources included, too!) to help teachers of students who struggle with the symptoms of ADHD, particularly as we are about to begin this new year. We hope that this information might come at a good time when the second half of the school year is about to begin as well and "fresh" ideas may be more appreciated and welcome. Perhaps some of the strategies included in the following list will become part of your classroom list of ADHD strategies for 2014!

Effective Strategies for Teachers of Children with ADHD

Before BEGINNING: Make a list of the most distressing or disruptive ADHD symptoms experienced for a particular individual. Use a highlighter (choose a favorite-colored marker) to highlight the top 3 symptoms that cause the most problems for your child, for you or for another adult with ADHD. FOCUS on these 3 symptoms, addressing only 1 symptom each week or so until improvement is evident. Younger children may need more time and encouragement than older children or teens. Finally, keep these three, highlighted issues in mind as you choose strategies from the list to follow.

1. "Catch" them doing something good!---First of all, resolve to "catch" EACH of your students doing something good as you begin the new year and thereafter whenever it may be appropriate without being patronizing or less than genuine. It will be especially important (and perhaps challenging for the teacher!) to do this for your students with ADHD. They very much need to hear, as well as do their classmates, that they are capable of doing what is right and good, even if it is not as often as one would like. This will also improve self-esteem and respect in and for the children. Again, it will be especially effective with those having ADHD challenges.

2. Direct instruction---Attention to task is improved when a student with ADHD is engaged in teacher-directed activities as opposed to independent seat-work activities. Also, the teaching of note-taking strategies increases the benefits of direct instruction. Both comprehension and on-task behavior improve with the development of these skills.

2. Tasks & assignments---To accommodate a short attention span, academic assignments should be brief with immediate feedback provided (about accuracy). Longer projects should be broken up into smaller, more manageable parts. Short time limits for completing a task should be specified ahead of time and can be enforced with timers.

3. Peer tutoring---Class-wide peer tutoring can provide many instructional benefits for students with ADHD. For example, it provides frequent and immediate feedback. When set up properly with a token economy system(see below here #17), peer tutoring has been found to yield dramatic academic gains.

4. Scheduling---Based on evidence that the on-task behavior of students with ADHD progressively worsens over the course of the day, it is suggested that academic instruction be provided in the morning. During the after-noon, when problem solving skills are especially poor, more active, nonacademic activities should be scheduled.

5. Novelty---Presentation of new, interesting and highly motivating material will improve attention. For example, increasing the novelty and interest level of tasks through use of increased stimulation (e.g., color, shape, texture and other use of the 5 senses ) reduces activity level, enhances attention and improves overall performance.

6. Structure & organization---Lessons should be carefully structured and important points clearly identified. For example, providing a lecture outline is a helpful note-taking aid that increases memory of main ideas. Students with ADHD perform better on memory tasks when material is meaningfully structured for them.

7. Rule reminders and visual cues---The rules given to students with ADHD must be well-defined, specific and frequently reinforced through visible modes of presentation. Well-defined rules with clear consequences are essential. Visual rule reminders or cues should be placed throughout the classroom. It is also helpful if rules are reviewed before activity transitions and following school breaks.

8. Auditory cues---Providing students with ADHD auditory cues that prompt appropriate classroom behavior is helpful. For example, use of a tape with tones placed at irregular intervals to remind students to monitor their on-task behavior has been found to improve arithmetic productivity.

9. Pacing of work---When possible, it is helpful to allow students with ADHD to set their own pace for task completion. The intensity of problematic ADHD behaviors is less when work is self-paced as compared to situations where work is paced by others.

10. Following instructions---Because students with ADHD have difficulty following multi-step directions, it is important for instruction to be short, specific and direct. To ensure understanding, it is helpful if these students are asked to rephrase directions in their own words. Also, teachers should be prepared to repeat directions frequently and recognize that students often may not have paid attention to what was said.

11. Productive physical movement---The student with ADHD may have difficulty sitting still. Therefore, productive physical movement should be planned. It is appropriate to allow the student with ADHD opportunities for controlled movement and to develop a repertoire of physical activities for the entire class such as stretch breaks. Other examples might include a trip to the office, a chance to sharpen a pencil, taking a note to another teacher, watering the plants, feeding classroom pets, or simply standing at a desk while completing classwork. Alternating seat work activities with other activities that allow for movement is essential.

12. Active vs. passive student involvement---In line with the idea of providing for productive physical movement, tasks that require active (as opposed to passive) responses may help hyperactive students channel their disruptive behaviors into constructive responses. While it may be problematic for these children to sit and listen to a long lecture, teachers might find that students with ADHD can be successful participants in the same lecture when asked to help (e.g., help with audio-visual aids, write important points on the chalk board, etc.)

13. Distractions---Generally, research has not supported the effectiveness of complete elimination of all irrelevant stimuli from the student's environment. However, as these students have difficulty paying attention to begin with, it is important that attractive alternatives to the task at hand be minimized. For example, activity centers, mobiles, aquariums and terrariums should not be placed within the student's visual field.

14. Anticipation---Knowledge of ADHD and its primary symptoms is helpful in anticipating difficult situations. It is important to keep in mind that some situations will be more difficult for than others. For example, effort-filled problem solving tasks are especially problematic. These situations should be anticipated and appropriate accommodations made. When presenting a task that the teacher suspects might exceed the student's capacity for attention, consider reducing assignment length and emphasize quality as opposed to quantity.

15. Contingency management: Encouraging appropriate behavior---Although classroom environment changes can be helpful in reducing problematic behaviors and learning difficulties, by themselves they are typically not sufficient. Thus, contingencies need to be available that reinforce appropriate or desired behaviors, and discourage inappropriate or undesired behaviors.

16. Powerful external reinforcement---First, it is important to keep in mind that the contingencies or consequences used with these students must be delivered more immediately and frequently than is typically the case. Additionally, the consequences used need to be more powerful and of a higher magnitude than is required for students without ADHD. Students with ADHD need external criteria for success and need a pay-off for increased performance. Relying on intangible rewards is often not enough.

17. Token economy systems---These systems are an example of a behavioral strategy proven to be helpful in improving both the academic and behavioral functioning of students with ADHD. These systems typically involved giving students tokens (e.g., poker chips) when they display appropriate behavior. These tokens are in turn exchanged for tangible rewards or privileges at specified times.

18. Response-cost programs---While verbal reprimands are sufficient for some students, more powerful, negative consequences, such as response-cost programs, are needed for others. These programs provide mild punishment when problem behavior is displayed. For example, a student may lose earned points or privileges when previously specified rules are broken. There is evidence that such programming decreases ADHD symptoms such as impulsivity. A specific response-cost program found to be effective with ADHD students involves giving a specific number of points at the start of each day. When a rule is broken or a problem behavior is displayed, points are taken away. To maintain their points, students must avoid breaking the rule. At the end of the period or day, students are typically allowed to exchange the points they have earned for a tangible reward or privilege.

19. Time-out---Removing the student from positive reinforcement or providing a "time-out" period typically involves removing the student from classroom activities. Time-outs can be effective in reducing aggressive and disruptive actions in the classroom, especially when these behaviors are strengthened by peer attention. They are not helpful, however, when problem behavior is a result of the student's desire to avoid school work. The time-out area should be a pleasant environment and a student should be placed in it for only a short time. Time-out should be ended based upon the student's attitude. At its conclusion, a discussion of what went wrong and how to prevent the problem in the future should occur. While these procedures are effective with ADHD students, it is recommended that they be used only with the most disruptive classroom behaviors and only when there is a trained staff.

(Source: Adapted from LD Online --- Helping the Student with ADHD in the Classroom: Strategies for Teachers

Resources for ADHD Strategies

Creating a Daily Report Card for the Home (for Parents, Professionals & Students)
Describes in a series of step-by-step worksheets how a parent can establish a program at home to help them better manage their ADHD child's behavior problems and to develop more appropriate behaviors.

Organizational and Academic Resources (with FREE Printer Versions) from The Learning Toolbox
Graphic organizers, schedule templates and other printable resources for home and school

School Behavior Tips: Impulse Control for ADHD Children---from ADDitude Magazine
Help children with ADHD think before they act by establishing clear expectations, positive incentives, and predictable consequences for good or bad school behavior.

Helping the Student with ADHD in the Classroom: Strategies for Teachers---from LD Online

For information on customizable reading tools: Tools for struggling readers of all ages! Info & support for struggling readers

Image courtesy of: Brennan Innovators, LLC at

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OmoAlata - Kasope Badaru #Inthespiritofenterprise

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Hi guys! Hope you are having a fantastic holiday. Nanny Mcphee took off on the 23rd, smack in the middle of all my hamper deliveries! I have a friend who insists keeping a nanny and one smallie is the key to sanity, I bet he'll laugh at me if he reads this.  Anyways, I am a survivor and yes, the worst is over. Bless Jesus!!

For the first time ever, I shipped the boys off day before yesterday to spend some time with my sister in law (she's a life saver). Funny thing is, I miss all their "wahala" and can't wait to pick them up, lol!! Imagine. But while they're away, let me share the very last #inthespiritofenterprise story for the year! Sounds unbelievable that the year is over already. It's been a great year and it can only get better. Yes!

Let's meet Kasope Badaru, Omoalata herself.


1. Tell us about yourself

My name is Kasope Badaru, I am an IT person by profession. I graduated in 2006 and I worked on an 8 - 5 but quit my job 2 years ago to venture into entrepreneurship.

2. Tell us about your business

Omoalata as the name implies is "the child/son of a pepper seller or a pepper seller". What our business does for now is to package blended peppers. We plan to do other products later on, all centered around pepper, soups and stews. Basically we blend tomatoes, onions, tatase and rodo into a puree or paste, boil and pack and sell to end users or supermarkets.

3. How did you get the name Omoalata and how do people receive it?

To be honest, I can't really remember exactly how the name omoalata came about. I just remember it was a name that my partner and I just had in mind for a very long time, even though it wasn't really clear what we wanted to do with the name, we just knew it was food related. Over the years, travelling, going around, we got some exposure and saw the need for some partial processing of pepper to make food easy and faster to cook, considering that most Nigerians use pepper in some form or the other during their cooking. We wanted a way to make cooking easier since we are in a world where things are faster and easier.

We get mixed reactions to the name "omoalata". Some people are wowed by it, while others ridicule the name and make fun of it. But because we are confident in it and proud of our heritage we are not moved. I am sure if we translated it in some other language for instance, people would think it cool, but because it's in our native Yoruba language that some people take the name for granted.

4. What will you say is unique about omoalata?

One of the main things about our product is that we are trying to replicate the exact thing that you do in your house. We are not trying to do a processed tomato paste, we are simply trying to cut your cooking time and make the process easier. We want to do exactly what you would have done yourself if you went to the market to buy your tomato and pepper. So because of that we decided from day one never to add any form of preservatives. We keep getting suggestions and pressure from people about preservatives e.g. "why don't you just add preservatives so you can sell in stores that have no freezers?". Especially because we are a growing business, we are expected to want to jump on these recommendations. However, we know that's not who we are nor is that what we are offering. Ours is an organic product and we intend to stay that way.

5. What are the main challenges you face and how have you overcome them.

The number one challenge is what everyone complains about in this country, POWER! Our business relies a lot on electricity supply. We grind, we boil and then we freeze. The freezing process is a lot of power and it means that we always have to have constant electricity. It also means that our grinding machines have to be run on petrol. Which is a lot more expensive than if we had constant power.

Another challenge we have is manpower. The casuals who work in the factory; ensuring they come at the right time, ensuring they follow laid down procedures. Especially for small, growing businesses like us who can't afford to employ them full-time yet, getting the right commitment is not easy. It's really been difficult but I know that as we go along though, it will get better and we will be able to balance it.

Acceptance from people is also one of the challenges we face. It's a new type of product and Nigerians are generally slow to adapt to change. So we have to do a lot of marketing and convincing, but the good thing about it is that for the people who have used it, their referrals go a long way. We are still in the process of getting all our certifications, so we have not done a lot of advertisements. I would say that we are gradually conquering that challenge of getting the word out there and convincing people to try the product. People are still stuck with the tradition of "oh I go to the market myself and I blend my own pepper mix myself", "how are you sure it is fresh, not too spicy or not spicy enough?" We know that over time we will get more and more loyal customers as they try it out.

6. How will you summarize your journey so far?

The journey so far has been interesting, tedious, frustrating, Lol!. But I am sure that is normal for any small start-up business anywhere in the world. I mean, we have the peculiarities of running a business in Nigeria, but when you remove the challenges of Infrastructure like electricity, I am sure that every other small business anywhere in the world goes through the struggles the frustrations and all that. But to be honest, it's been interesting.

There are days when you think oh I have made a mistake and there are days when you are so excited, especially when you get just one positive feedback. This makes you feel that it's all worth it because you are making someone's life easier somewhere. The feedback just gives you a lot of joy that someone somewhere needs what you're offering.

7. Given another chance, will you do this again?

Oh yes definitely, I mean without a question. I don't regret in anyway, going into this. If I were to rewind time, I would definitely go into it again!

Want to know where to find Mcpeppers? Well here's a list below, plus you can follow them on twitter, like their facebook page and follow their blog.

Rennies Supermarket
VGC Shopping Complex,
VGC Lekki Epe Expressway Ajah,

Rennies Supermarket
32A, Admiralty Way (near Tantalizers)
Lekki Phase 1 Lekki, Lagos
Petadis Place
0-5C, Close 7A, Opp. NICON Hotel
VGC Lekki Ajah,

Gravitas Supermarket

17, Emma Abimbola Cole street,
Off Fola Osibo Lekki Phase 1 Lekki,

Best Choice Mart

Shop K111, Road 5,
Ikota Shopping Complex,
Ajah Lagos.

Nazareth Supermarket

Babatunde street, Off Ogunlana Drive,
Surulere, Lagos.

Spendless Mart 

2, Association Avenue (right turn before magodo estate)
Magodo, Lagos.

CCD Superstores 

116, Ogudu-Ojota Road (Near GTBank)
Ogudu, Lagos

Royalmart Limited

Carlton-Gate Estate
Chevron drive, Lagos

Royalmart Limited

Crown Estate Shopping Mall,
Crown Estate, Ibeju-Lekki, Lagos.

Egole Shopping Mall 

Cheers guys! Their other details are below, do the needful....

+234 (0) 802 8736 502, 01-8544436

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Customize your ringback tune with Airtel Name Tunes

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Airtel Nigeria has just launched another FIRST in its Hello Tunes collections called Name Tunes. The Name Tunes is  an exciting service which plays back your name to callers.

There are for genres available for this:
  • Generic
  • Naija
  • Calypso, and
  • Seasons Greetings
To get started, SMS 'NT<Space><Your name>' to 792.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Come celebrate with Airtel at The Lagos Countdown 2013 Event holding at the Bar Beach from 6pm on December 31. Airtel is offering tickets for its subscribers to attend one of the biggest star studded concerts of 2013 that ushers in the New Year. The tickets are valued at N10, 000 but as an Airtel subscriber you will receive your electronic ticket by sending your name to the 35299 short code for only N100.  

Once again, send your name to 35299 for your ticket to join Airtel for lots of fun, hospitality and gifting at the Bar Beach concert on December, 31 2013. The event is powered by the Lagos State government.’


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How to Enter cheats in GTA for Android & Full Cheat codes

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 27 Desember 2013 0 komentar

GTA is one of the most graphical and addictive game in PC,now available for android mobiles and tablets,there are many difficult levals in to win.Now it is possible to enter codes or keys also mobile phones and Android tablets , although we will have to do some trick,redundant,write for the screen.

If you have ever wondered how the tricks are introduced into a GTA for Android , we explain the simplest way: pair a Bluetooth keyboard with mobile or tablet, if supported, use a USB keyboard using the OTG function certain devices. Just type any of the tricks of the game at some point to activate applying the changes you want. From infinite to override the ammunition police search, the list of big improvements. now the tricks are only compatible with GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City , not being activated in GTA: San Andreas . We assume that Rockstar 's activated at some later game update, so it is worth going there trying to see if they work.

We have seen direct way to write code with a keyboard , but more often is that we have no support. Luckily, you can activate a virtual onscreen keyboard that works in any application that does not allow these types of keyboards, like GTA . Simply install cheatcode Keyboard  from the picture below (priced at around 70 cents) and have access to the keyboard whenever we want (after you turn on Android and select it as default). It comes preloaded with all the tricks of GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City for Android , plus we can write our own code to execute with a single click. cheatcode Keyboard  is a really handy app if such aid commandments in games.

Download :  CheatCode Keyboard

Having identified the different ways to enter the famous cheat code within the GTA for Android , we offer a sample of them operating in GTA 3 and GTA: Vice City . No work even in GTA: San Andreas , although it is expected to do so in the future. No need to write uppercase and can be placed at any point in the game. If you work, you trick enabled message appears

LXGIWYL : First set of weapons
PROFESSIONALSKIT : Segundo weapon set.
UZUMYMW : Third set of weapons
HESOYAM : Health, armor and $ 250,000
BAGUVIX : Infinite Health.
CVWKXAM : Infinite Oxygen.
ANOSEONGLASS : Adrenaline mode.
FULLCLIP : Infinite Ammo without recharging.
TURNUPTHEHEAT : Increases the level 2 star.
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT : Deletes the stars of a police search.
BTCDBCB : Fat People.
BUFFMEUP : Muscular character.
KVGYZQK : SlimCharacter .
AEZAKMI :  Immune to crime Mode.
BRINGITON : level 6 star police search.
WORSHIPME : Maximum respect.
HELLOLADIES : Maximum physical attractiveness.
PROFESSIONALKILLER : How professional murderer.
NATURALTALENT : Maximum driving experience.

Do you have more Cheate codes for GTA ? You can freely share in the comments.

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mSpy - The Best Mobile Tracker to keep a Vision on Anyone

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
If you are looking for mobile monitoring software that can provide you piece of mind, then mSpy application is a good choice for you. Having seen its wonderful features and tracking abilities you will also pay a good word in favour of this mobile spy
Mspy application does not have any type of compatibility issue if you want to install it on a smartphone. It is compatible with Blackberry, Android, iPhone and Symbian operating systems. In addition to this if you have any kind of issue related to compatibility, you can visit their website which has a complete list of phones and their models on which you can use this application.clip_image001

It is considered as a standard that software is allowed on one phone per license but mSpy will let you use the application on more than one phone. Before you take all these advantages you have to make sure that mSpy application is installed on mobile phone. However, if you are installing this application on a person’s phone, make sure that you follow privacy laws. If you are not good at law, it would be better for you to consult with an attorney before you install the app on a phone.
Mspy application has a variety of features for its users. It can monitor and track all the phone calls that were made or received through phone; moreover you can block any incoming or outgoing call. If the app is installed on your target person cell phone, you can read all the text messages sent or received
Such kind of feature is useful if you have any kind of doubt related to your children or employees mysterious activities and whereabouts. It also allows you to see the browser history and emails; you can track the target person with mSpy GPS tracking features. For concerned parents who want to know about their children activities where they go after school this app will be a right choice. In addition to this, the app tracks instant messengers, has the keylogger feature that allows you to monitor every keystroke within a phone. All this can be viewed from the online control panel and you will remain undetectable.
The application also helps you a lot if you are fed up with paying the bills of those unnecessary applications that your children install and web-site they visit. mSpy gives you an ability to monitor the apps that are installed on a cell phone, all the sites they visit and block them.
The cost of mSpy software depends upon the time period for which you intend to use the service. In addition you can have a 7-day trial to be sure that all the mSpy company claims to be in the app is not a scam.

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Fashola at Airtel Fun Zone, Flags Off Countdown

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Governor Raji Babatunde Fashola and Deepak Srivastava(COO, Airtel Nigeria)

The Airtel Fun zone, a custom exhibition stand showcasing the telco’s latest 3.75G Internet offerings, was the centre of attraction, yesterday (Monday, December 23rd, 2013) when the Lagos State Governor, Babatunde Fashola, officially flagged off the 2013 Lagos Countdown festival, at the Bar Beach stretch, Victoria Island, Lagos. 

Governor Fashola, in company of his Deputy Governor, Mrs. Adejoke Adefulire and other members of the State Executive Council, performed the ceremonial flag-off of the Airtel fun zone, when he kicked an Airtel branded football, thereby, drawing loud applause from customers that thronged the Airtel Fun Zone to enquire about Internet offerings. 

The Lagos Countdown is a 23-day event, which commenced on the 8th of this month and will climax on the 31st December with games, musical and dance performances. The event is expected to provide a strong platform for family bonding, interaction, fun, celebration of music and culture as well great entertainment for Lagosians and tourists. 

Airtel’s Chief Operating Officer & Executive Director, Deepak Srivastava, welcomed the Governor and his team and took them on a brief tour around the company’s exhibition area. He commended the Governor for his visionary leadership and laudable efforts at creating a friendly environment for businesses to thrive in the State. He also commended the Countdown initiative, saying “the Lagos Countdown has brought excellence, quality and standard to the state.  

“Airtel proudly supports the initiative because we are a brand that stands for quality and excellence. We believe in giving global standard and excellent service to Lagosians as well as all Nigerians.” He also noted that the countdown initiative has brought Lagos to the level of other countries such as Sydney, New York, London, etc. 

The Governor later embarked on a walk down the stretch of the venue to meet the Chief Executive Officers of the other companies that collaborated with the Lagos State Signage and Advertising Agency (LAASA) to sponsor the event. 

In his remarks at the event, Fashola appreciated Airtel and other sponsors for partnering with the state government to making the event a success. He said the Countdown initiative has brought together people and businesses that have leveraged on both the coastal and business assets of the state. 

Fashola said, “Today we stand on a significant place, the Bar Beach, which at a point was becoming an eyesore due to coastal erosion. But the initiative of people in government has restored the dignity of this location. The credit belongs to all young men and women working in government.” 

Among the notable guests present at the official flag off event were: His Royal Majesty, Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu; Managing Director, LASAA Mr George Noah; General Manager, Brand Assets, Airtel Nigeria, Obinna Aniche; Regional Operations Director, Lagos Region, Airtel Nigeria, Bayo Osinowo; Zonal Business Manager, Lagos Metro, Ayo Ogunranti as well as popular artistes including Mavin Records boss, Don Jazzy.


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How To Jailbreak iPhone 4,4s,5,5s and 5c with iOS 7-Evasi0n7

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 25 Desember 2013 0 komentar

  • Perform Jailbreak quickly and easily to your iPhone compatible with iOS 7.
  • Evasi0n7 is the best tool to untethered jailbreak your iPhone.

How to Jailbreak all iPhone models compatible with the new iOS 7 -  Evasi0n

New Jailbreak for iOS 7 is here and thank the Evasi0n 7 tool ,to Jailbreak your iPhone is easier than ever. As we warned over yesterday, maybe most Cydia tweaks and features not presently optimized for iOS 7, but imagine that soon this problem will be solved.

If you already have your iPhone on hand and eager to perform Jailbreak your device, we shall only get down to work.

What should I know before Jailbreak my iPhone?

It is untethered Jailbreak. Which means? Roughly the Jailbreak will not disappear when turned off or reboot the device, nor will need to connect it to your computer every time you turn on the iPhone. If you want to know more, we have a great section on Jailbreak .It is highly unlikely that our iPhone runs a real risk of breaking completely, but we can deal with data loss. Therefore, it is highly recommended to perform a backup on iTunes and iCloud.

Evasi0n7 is compatible with the following versions of iOS7 ,so make sure you have installed on your iPhone: 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3, 7.0.4 and beta 1 and 2 of iOS 7.1.Being a newly released Jailbreak, you may find many errors / inconsistencies .Before Jailbreak you should disable the access code if you have it enabled.

What iPhone are compatible with iOS Jailbreak 7?

  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4s
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 5c
  • iPhone 5s

What do I need to Jailbreak my iPhone?

1. An iPhone compatible with iOS 7 and Evasi0n7 tool (You can view the list).
2. A computer operating system Windows or OS X.
3. A data cable to connect it.
4. The Evasi0n7 tool. »For Windows  »For Mac 

Steps to untethered Jailbreak to your iPhone iOS 7

1 - The first thing to do download the Evasi0n7 tool  links that i have left in the previous section. Try to choose the one that belongs to your operating system. Once downloaded, extract it.

2 - The following is connect your iPhone via the data cable. Once Evasi0n7 detects the "Jailbreak" button will be activated and we will release it. We should not worry about putting it in DFU mode, the application will do it for us.

3 - After a few minutes, we see that our iPhone is restarted several times. This is very important not to touch or unlock your device in any course.

4 - After several reboots and once the transfer is successful, we will see a new application on our home screen. It is "Evasi0n" and we open it to finish to complete the process.

5 -. When the process is complete, we will see that the old application has disappeared and in its place we have . Cydia We're done!

As you have seen, the process is extremely simple and does not require more than a few minutes to have our unthetered our iPhone Jailbreak iOS 7

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How to convert Normal SIM card into Micro/Nano Sim-Easy Steps

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Today we talking about very useful information about convert normal SIM to Micro sim in Three Easy Steps.

Here is a very nice trick and it definitely works to convert at a time when our normal SIM into a micro SIM .

Cutting our SIM to make it microSIM

1. The first thing to do is get a good cutting tool,either scissors or a cutter. It is important to make clean cuts to avoid problems later. We also need a rule (if a bit heavy use cutter for card not move while cut).

2. Then we have a workforce of us a microSIM or its action on normal SIM . We will have two options:

a. Measure with the ruler to make the cuts (this is what I have used and works perfectly), marking with a permanent marker and fine according to the measurements that you find in the image below .Keep in mind that not all SIM are identical, but what always equals the size of the microSIM, so you simply adaptáis card that size. There are even models that are short of the rectangle occupied by the circuit to make the conversion.

b. Print the template in 1:1 size.Here you have a link to download the template, which also carries the cutting instructions.

3. then we just have to try to insert the card, if we do not try to go a little more cut and ready . In just 10 minutes you will have your SIM list.

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Happy Holidays

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Well I woke up early this morning to the sound of reindeer on the roof. Oh, maybe not, it could have just been the snow or ice crashing off the roof. I was hoping to sleep in this Christmas morning but being over 50 I can't sleep past 6:00 am anymore. If you are as old as I am you know what I mean. I flipped on the TV to watch the Disney parade and Facetimed with my brothers and sisters in Minnesota, Florida and Iowa. My brother in Florida reminded me it was going to be 80 degrees there today.  Thanks brother, see you in a few weeks.

We had a great candle light service last night at church to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  We are so fortunate to be around family and friends in this great community we live in. I want to thank my i-Marine Apps blogger family too for reading all the geeky stuff I write.  I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Each year is a blessing for me. I have a lot to be thankful for.

This year's Christmas picture finds my kids in college, my wife with a new job she loves and me having worked 30 years in the electrical power industry.  It is time to leave 2013 in the rear view mirror. I am looking forward to all the new experiences and possibilities that await us in 2014.

~~~ Sail On ~~~ /)

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Download 5 Most Beautiful themes for Windows 8 (2014)

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Windows 8 has a little over a year with us and although there are many customization options available, However, thanks mainly to the DeviantArt community, we can find now many beautiful themes compatible with Windows 8 and 8.1 .We have selected some of the most beautiful and leave you to decide to put your new suit Windows for the new year.

Retrofukation 8

Theme created by Neiio ,one of the most popular and the creator of all other issues presented here. Ena Retrofukation in adapting a collection of retro style themes originally created for Windows XP and then Windows 7. It has 4 variations, with beautiful colors in pastel browns and blues. It also has a set of extras, including icons, backgrounds, themes and skins for Winamp CD Art Display.

Download Retrofukation 8

Area 4.8

Another theme Neiio also something with a nice retro beige background and blue details. It is an adaptation of a very popular theme for Windows XP for years. Now available for Windows 8 and 8.1. The package includes icons for folders. The classic Start menu is thanks to Start 8 .

Download area 4.8


One that was part of my favorite themes for Windows 7. Work is one of the styles of suite APPOWS, this time Neiio brings us to Windows 8.

Download Work

Space Blueberries  4.8

This is indeed a subject that I currently use on my Windows 8.1, has a simple and elegant decorations windows and makes them look at your task bar very sexy, especially if you combine it with monochromatic icons. It is one of the best songs you can get to Windows 8. Includes 4 very beautiful and minimalist wallpapers that rotate automatically.

Download Space Blueberries


Nimbus is the default style of a large project that is still somewhat green, but can promise a lot: Nimbus OS , an attempt to provide the same interface to multiple devices. The theme is very complete, and uses white tones, it is also compatible with Windows 8 the effect of changing the color of the window decorations according to the color of your desktop wallpaper.

Nimbus has a pack of official icons to match, and a selection of beautiful photographs to use as wallpapers .

Download Nimbus

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