Doing business with family and religious bodies.......Yes or No?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 03 September 2013 0 komentar
Happy new month!!! Hehe. Scratch that okay, I put it there as a joke. Till tomorrow, I would never quite get this "greeting" that has crept on us and become the norm, out of nowhere! Don't ask me why, I can't put my finger on it, but I find it strange. Maybe I am the one who's strange and old school-ish.

Next on my pet peeve list is "How was your night?" Like seriously! I don't understand. Recently I heard about how an expatriate in Nigeria sincerely expressed his confusion when he got into the office one day and someone asked "how was your night?". I hear he was like, "what I do at night is none of your business". Hahaha! 

In other news though, September 19th is my birthday!!! Yaay me. Not like I have anything planned for that day, just feels good to shout yaay me, hehe. But on a more serious note, living to see another year in life is a privilege and I am more than grateful. 

Would you be shocked if I told you, I really have nothing to say tonight? I was going to pass up posting but decided against it. I am an entrepreneur, I am meant to keep pushing, non? I shan't give up, no way!!! 

To all those who filled the form to join the trezy family, I appreciate you. If you haven't filled the form yet, please do. Just click the link below, it'll only take a few minutes, trust me. (*Mi o shako, ebe ni mo n be (consult a yoruba dictionary)

I saw this on instagram today, methinks we can discuss it;

What do you think?

I can imagine why one would think like this, especially the church scenario (don't stone me yet!). Many of us know the "do it for God" line. There's nothing wrong with offering your services or products to support the church for the good of mankind, but it's better when it comes from your heart, because if it doesn't you are wasting your time, pretty much. 

I don't think as entrepreneurs we should shun family and religious bodies we belong to as clients. We just need to find a way to conduct the business as a business, no sentiments in the matter. I scanned the internet for tips on dealing with family and religious bodies but didn't find much, so you are stuck with my two cents;
  • Start with yourself
    Do you just take products or enjoy services from your business without being accountable? You can't expect to enforce this on your family and friends then!
  • Be Professional
    The way you conduct business should be reeking of professionalism. It should be so good that, nobody will even be able to approach you with "ilo ku lo" (indecent proposals). The way you present yourself, communicate your business and carry out transactions say a lot. Issue invoices when necessary, receipts at the right time, little things, but they are important. Let the quality of your service or product be unquestionable across board.
  • Be polite but firm
    This may not be as easy as it sounds but you have to learn this, if you really want to stay in business. Do not entertain anything that is not in line with your company policies and procedures. Document all of these polices and ensure that anyone working with you is aware of these policies. If there is a credit policy, any habitual defaulter should be blacklisted. "Please uncle, I know someone who I can refer you to" c'est finit.
  • Separate the business from yourself
    Give your business a life of its own. When you set up your business with its own accounting system, separate from you, an auditing system (It could be a contract arrangement) and so on, you are not free to take decisions for the business without having to answer to someone.
  • Set up a board of advisers/trustees
    You have mentors, people that can guide you in your business decision making process. A word of caution though, keep this number minimal to avoid bureaucracy. Knowing that you have a board to answer to keeps you in check. * Read more about setting up a board here - Assembling a board of advisers

This is just scratching the surface, there's so much more that can be said, so many deeper issues that can arise, but I am all for keeping it simple. We can take further discussions on this matter outside of this blog. Besides, I am so so sleepy right now..... Body no be firewood.

P.S - I didn't lie, I really didn't have anything to say when I started out! True. 
Judul: Doing business with family and religious bodies.......Yes or No?
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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